Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Summary Of Cycle 2 Ordinary Times 34 Sundays

Purpose of sunday readings:
Catholic church has organised sunday readings  to educate christians. There are 3 main readings for each sunday. 1st reading, 2 nd reading and 3rd reading. 3 rd reading is only from Gospels while 2 nd reading is generally from new testament writings from early church. While 1st reading is generally from old testament. All 3 readings are selected in such a way, to contemplate, one aspect of God, towards humans.

In order for you to understand,gradually about God and increase your faith, these sunday readings are organised in 3 yearly cycles. In order for you to get good knowledge of God and for you to develop faith, one has to carefully reflect sunday readings in all these 3 years at least once. The gospels of mark,matthew and luke are generally used for cycle 1,cycle 2,cycle 3;

You can study who is God(Father+Son+Holy Spirit) and how they created this world, why fear,sorrow and disagreements presence in our life and what is the treatment for that,etc..,in a cycle of 3 years.

God's hand
It is surprising to note, how these 3 reading sets have been selected to pass a God's message.(Some readings are connected with different paragraphs!
Thanks to St pius V and bl Paul VI in orgernising from 1530 and revising at 2 nd vatican council 1968.

Summary of cycle 2 ordinary times

One can get some idea as how sunday readings are organised, which might help to understand the purpose of sunday readings, from the immediate completing cycle 2, which ends 22/11/2015. This will be useful for any person, who wants to get an overview in the beginning of year 2018, when it starts the ordinary time.. Same idea will repeat in 2021,2024..etc.
2 parts can be deduced for the cycle 2 ordinary times sundays.

In my reflection,(you might have a different view), there are 2 parts of reflections for cycle 2:

Part 1
 summary Sunday 1-22


Catholics,believe God created U different to others to live happily. For that U have to follow HIS Will. Church was formed by Holy Spirit to achieve your' happiness!.God extend this human generation thru' married &single vocations. Craving for earth bounds needs making U to sin which lead to fear &sorrow. Follow rules given by God,daily change to realize anticipated happiness. Disseminate your' happiness with neighbour. With Baptism you have become member of church. World is changing every day leading different paradigms for humans. God(Holy Spirit)thru' church direct humans, how to manage this change. Ex: No artificial birth control,no abortion, no euthanasia etc). Catholic believe presence of God,in Holy Eucharastic & sunday mass is obligatory for them. At mass,after verifying yourrself whether U followed God's will,U receive Eucharist.

Part 2:

(1)Start seed of God, by appreciating His grace in your' life(2)Make daily habit of encounter Him,start with analysing graces U receive+Rosary(3)Church run by Holy Spirit. Know all commandments that U should follow given by Father-10 comms/Son-pardoning+love/Holy Spirit-church rules upto to date(4)Reflect How your' following God's Will,in family-acting like child/in personal-ready to remove any possessions for God.(5)you have to convert your' talent to skills,by practising,then develop wide knowledge.  By hard work,U contribute that to society, by forming good attitude,for love of God.  when U encounter with God,under above 2,follow cycle of Plan,Do,Control,Amend (means changing U'rattitude-repentance) (to adhere to God's commandments)(6)Avoid 7vices,in your' life.(Sloth,anger,pride, envy,lust,avarice, gluttony)(7)daily enjoy Happy life(new twig).now your' seed of faith is becoming tree(repeat 5 above)

These 2 parts, reflected are repeated in years 2018,2021...etc in ordinary times. This summary will help you to reflect on the sunday readings given in cycle 2.

For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary



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