Saturday, November 14, 2015

How To See A Twig In Your Life Tree(essential action of a catholic

Mk (13:24-32) says" Jesus..'..after..distress..sun..darkened..powers in heaven's..shaken..son of man..clouds..power..send..angels..chosen..'Take..fig tree..its know..summer is near..before this generation passed words..not pass away.."

1.Growing towards Happiness!

We like to see twigs in any given tree. It is an indication that tree is growing!. How do we know that we are moving towards Happiness of our life as guaranteed by God?
How to see a twig in our life? This is a dynamic process. Atleast once a year if you can see a twig, you are progressing. The timing can be reduced when your progress is faster!

2. Under what circumstances a twig will come?
Two basic conditions has to be satisfied.
(1) Enough water and manure has to be there for the tree
(2) Enough sun light has to be there for the tree.

3. Equivalent of water+manure for the tree.

The nourishing factor needed for your life tree is to develop good attitudes!

How to get correct attitude?
Every human in this world is born with at least one talent(special natural ability)
Talent has to be converted to skills(an ability/abilities to do something well, specially because you have learned and practice it.

One talent has to be converted to many more skills.
For example, if you have talent to play. Cricket. First you remove your laziness, and start playing cricket. When you practice more and more, you start developing skills of cricket,in many more areas!. How to field and bat. How to play in different ground scenario's, how to play in different weather conditions etc..etc. Then you gather knowledge about cricket. So one talent resulted many skills, many skills resulted Knowledge to be developed on your talent.
Once you gather knowledge, with hard work you start developing a good attitude(opinions and feelings that you usually have about a subject)
 towards cricket.
The above is similar, as how to develop attitude from any talent.

YOU CAN ALTER YOUR LIFE BY ALTERING YOUR ATTITUDES IN MIND. Words have meanings. It is interesting to note, the weightage factor for each words gives you some important idea, about value of these words to your life.

Assuming each letter in alphabet has a value equals to its sequence:a/1,b/2..z/26etc.

SKILLS= 19+11+9+12+12+9=82,
HARD WORK= 8+1+12+4+23+15+18+11= 98,
ATTITUDE= 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100.

You will see the importance of each word.

IN GENERAL beyond your attitude?

Your attitude,will become your thoughts; your thoughts will become your words, your word will become your actions, your actions,will become your HABBIT. It will become your personality. Right attitude produce right actions. When U know your talent is given by God,U develop all steps above for LOVE OF GOD

LOVE OF GOD= 12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4=101;

Hence ATTITUDE with LOVE OF GOD will put you top,while hard work& knowledge will get you closer.

Now you will get an idea of manure & water to your life tree.

Next step is how to get good sunlight?

. Equivalent of sunlight!

Sunlight is equivalent to God's grace towards you!. For that we have to follow commandments given by Holy Trinity.(Father/Son/Holy Spirit). When we don't follow the commandment, it is Sin. We should plan personal to ourself, how to avoid sin.

4.1 Let's analyze the importance of planning!

Good idea is worth of one rupee. Plan for implementing that idea is worth million rupees. Everybody has a plan. When you need to achieve goal, you need to plan, how to achieve that Goal.

Always management of achieving a goal consists of 4 steps

This cycle keeps on repeating,until U reach goal. This is Deming management cycle

4.2 God's management cycle:

Let us analyze how God achieved, his idea of creating humans to enjoy Happiness.

(1) He created man and woman,along with world to enjoy happiness with full freedom and told Adam+Eve not to eat from the forbidden tree, but they ate and betrayed

In broad sense,then God implemented the 1st revised management cycle,God-father gave 10 commandments.

In 2nd cycle God-Son gave pardoning+love

to introduce back freedom for humans, 3rd cycle, Holy Spirit form church &gave you other rules(every time revising with paradigm shift/Living God).

4.3 Importance of managing Paradigm change: Living God concept

How my grand father lead the life compared to my life today is quiet different. For example he didn't have mobile telephones, while I am having now. But there is not much different, the life of my grand fathers pet dog to my pet dog now.  When human paradigm has to be changed to have a dynamic human generation, to have a wonderful world created by God. Otherwise my sons life will be same as my life lead to monotonous generation. Living God in HIS own wisdom, change the paradigm of humans, to make humans more efficient than before. There should be a mechanism of God to express HIS will, with regard to morality of humans. The mechanism is by invisible Holy Spirit to visible pope. There is a very clear guidance given, beautifully adopted by catholic church,where other Christian denominations,does not have!.

4.4 Need to manage paradigm shift and continuation of THE NEW TESTAMENT:

The new testament consist of histories of life of Jesus/a history of early church-ACT OF APOSTELS/ letters written by leaders of early church apostle Paul & various other 1st century christians/ final book of new testament,REVELATION-called apocalptic literature, referring to end time prophecies.

(Number of new testament books as at now is 27)

HISTORY- gospels(life of Jesus) MATTHEW/MARK/LUKE/JOHN; LIFE OF EARLY CHURCH- acts of apostels; letters PAUL'S LETTERS; Romans,1&2 corinthians,galatians,ephesians,philippians,colossians,1& 2 thessalonians,1&2 Timothy,Titus,philemon,
General letters: Hebrews,James,1&2 peter,1,2&3 John,Jude
APOCALYPSE(future events)- Revelations.

"there are about 23 doc, in the new testament(after church established by Holy Spirit). This is continuing in the LIVING CHURCH.

Why it is necessary?

 For ex:

One can argue,If I am suffering with cancer with unbearable pain, Euthanasia is good. Another case some can argue abortion is good, since you are not killing a living person. Some can argue test tube child is bad. As a church, there should be a process to guide people what is morally good. Similarly church, under infallibility of Pope declare certain things.

4.5 Important rules declared by Holy Spirit

Church has been formed by Holy Spirit: following important changes are made by Holy Spirit.
(1)Open to whole world(cast-less)
(2)No circumscion and no restriction to eat Pork (Jesus+all apostles were circumscised and did not eat pork)
(From above 1 and 2, became universal, church is open to the whole world)
Ref: 1 Cor 7:17-19-universal church
About no restriction on eating pork - 1 Cor 10:25.

(3)Saints+purgetory concepts introduced. Conceptually,saints+purgatory comes from introduction of free will(ability to choose,independent of God)after Jesus to human!

(4)Holy Mary's concepts(immaculate conception+assumption to heaven) introduced.

(5) Artificial birth controled+abortion+Euthanasia prohibited(manage the morality of human's)

Holy spirit thru' papal infallibility, gives church,all guidance necessary for us to manage all paradigm changes of humans. Just let me know easy thing:

4.6. Finally to be avail with God's grace, what we should do?

Practically you have to follow all rules to follow God's Will. Every day you are required to follow above 4 steps(Deming cycle) and revise your plan to be closer to God(to become sin-less).

5. How twigs come in to your life tree?
Once you have developed good attitude with action for the love of God and every day you reflect how to avoid sins in your life, you will get twigs every day n your life.


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