Wednesday, June 24, 2015

John The Baptist(24/6)

3major times in Catholism.(1)upto John baptist(2)Jesus life(3)after Pentecost-U'r present life/start of church.we notice in(1)Having openly rebuked Herod for his unlawful marriage with Herodias,his brothers wife,he was arrested.John doubted&even sent someone to ask Jesus in public"Are U sure U'are who say U'are?  JOHN WAS DOUBTING SAME MAN HE HAS BAPTISED!(2)Peter denied Christ 3 times(3)Mary is only human,who went thru,all 3 time lines,NEVER,lost her FAITH,what ever worries she encountered,not like apostles in turbulent boat!.until John,God directed Jews,then showed how to enjoy U'r life, thru' His teaching of Love,then Holy Spirit was given to Guide U/church
Along with John,Church celebrate 3 birthdays. Jesus(25/12)&Mary(8/8).now U'r in time line3,there are no dreams, stars,angles to direct U,how to resolve U'r worries!.Ask Holy Mary(Queen of Heaven)handle worries similar to us.U?

At cross Jesus said to Mary"women,here is U'r son"then he said to john"Here is U'r mother"after doing this Jesus said"all was now finished" At foot of cross,at supreme hour of new creation,CHRIST LED US TO MARY!He brought us to her because He didnot want us to Journey without a mother!.Lord didn't want to leave without this icon of womanhood.God who made SUN, also made MOON.Moon does not take away brilliance of sun. On dark nights we are grateful for moon. When we see it's shining,we know there must be Sun.SO IN THIS DARK NIGHTS OF WORLD WHEN HUMAN TURN THEIR BACKS ON HIM WHO IS LIGHT OF WORLD,WE LOOK TO MARY TO GUIDE THEIR FEET WHILE WE AWAIT SUNRISE!have U ever heard Mary has fallen sick health wise?Why?