Wednesday, December 31, 2014

1/1/2015 Solemnity Of Mary,the Holy Mother Of Church

1/1/2015 Solemnity Of Mary,the Holy Mother Of Church(general version)

To days readings summarises as follows:

All readings for all cycles1,2,3 are same
Book of numbers(nb:6:22-27) says"...may the Lord uncover His face to you and bring His peace........."
Paul says(Gal4:4-7) says"......God sent His son....God has sent the spirit of His son into our hearts....l

LK 2:16-21 says" the Shepard hurried away to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manager............As for mary she treasured all these things and pondered in her heart......"


(1)With Jesus a new method has been introduced.

(2)Jesus spirit means His words and actions, to be reflected in our lives to understand the new method. It is not history alone. The parables given in the gospels are good examples, which prevails for last 2000 years, parables has not become outdated even it is applicable today. Gospel is the only book which you can dynamically read, since it's reflection are going to varied from person to person!

(3)Value of holy Mary remind us to experience Jesus in to our lives and keep all such experience to identify how God is eager to help us to be happy. So Holy Mary led her life happily, though she experienced many difficulties/fear/sorrows, with reference to normal earth bound way. She set an example for us how to carry the God's will happily, like a boat sailing in misty weather(normal for every human)

THAT IS WHY CHURCH IDENTIFY MARY AS A GUIDE LINE FOR US TO FOLLOW THROUGH OUT THE WHOLE YEAR. In addition God in His own wisdom assigned mary to look after our happiness. Happiness means you get worries/sorrows/disagreements in your life temporarily and Holy mary will support you to get the God's will for you to make all your fears/sorrows converted Happiness!.

Wish you a Happy new year 2015.

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Friday, December 26, 2014

HOLY FAMILY FEAST (28/12/2014)

Christmas season 1 sunday we were invited to reflect about the characteristics of HOLY FAMILY, specially how they lead their life in good faith of God.

Book of genesis(Gn 15;1-6:21:1-3) says" the word of the lord was spoken to Abraham in a vision," HAVE NO FEAR, ABRAHAM,I AM YOUR SHIELD;YOUR REWARD WILL BE VERY GREAT.....SO SARAH BORE A SON.......ISAAC..."
Letter to the Hebrews says(Heb11:8.11-12.17-19)" it was faith by Abraham obeyed the call....he set out without knowing where he was was equally by faith that conceive,she believed....It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test offered up Isaac........."

Gospel(Lk2:22-40) says"when the day came for them to purified .......two young pigeons....named simeon....Now master your servant go in peace.... You see this child: he is destined to fall and for the rising of many.......Anna.......serving God night and day praise God.

Reminds the importance of faith on God's message to lead a Happy life. Mary and Joseph has given good examples of leading our lives in great faith of our creator God.

 importance of mary!
The divine and human natures of the person of christ lived in the womb of mary, God and man made one. In no person in this world was there ever such unity of God and man as Mary experienced within Her during 9 months in which she bore Him whom the heavens could not contain. Mary who was already one with Him in Body, as love reached its peak in mothering the wandering word!.

 The role of St Joseph:

A belief that permeates the old testament and extend a major influence in Joseph's life is the existence of an invisible- spirits of world of angles and demons. 1st angelic apparition " angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream(Mt1:20) to resolve his mental anguish over mary inexplicable pregnancy. The 2 nd recall of angelic al activity was. Night of saviours birth,hearing the chorus of angels for the newborn king- first ever christmas carols. Meanwhile fallen angels were taking the active hand for aiding and abetting king Herods murderous plot to liquidate the new born king. Again angle appeared in a dream(3rd time) to him to flee immediately with mary and jesus to Egypt.
The 4th time an angle appeared to exile Joseph, asking him to return to homeland. Finally he was favoured with 5 th recorded dream vision, the angel directed him to return to Galille instead Judea! Due to threat posed by Herods son.

Lessons for us to reflect:
(1)Mary did not took the upper hand, about giving messages to Joseph, rather than Her!
She trusted Joseph's directions!, though she is the starting point with Jesus.
(2) Joseph's mind was so clear to understand and receive the God's message
(3) Mary and Joseph overcame the practical fear and sorrow developed thru' the circumstances and never blame God in providing complex situations rather they both clearly accepts the God's will

The lessons Mary and Joseph shown us were applicable to our lives. Now there are no angles, no dreams, you are along with your family. How to find the God'S will for you?
Whether your wife will agree or children accepts? Very complicated story!

There were no records of disagreements with Joseph and Mary. How to lead a life without disagreements! Specially in a married life, where 2 different people with 2 different conditioning, with 2 different free will's try to follow 1 God's will, in a family will be much difficult than a single life!.


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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Cycle 2:season:Christmas:No1 25/12/2014 Peaceful Catholic(Nativity of The lord)-general version(please note that all 3 liturgy cycles the readings are same)

A.  Back ground:


Today we remember the birth of Christ. Previous 4 sundays we reflected how to give rise to christ birth in our life. From today until 6 th January we will be reflecting about the characteristics of holy family and Jesus, comparing their earthly characters. In order to understand this one should have given birth to Jesus, by understanding and following the knowledge and actions given in advent season and be convinced about Catholicism. Otherwise the reflection need to carry out in christmas time will be difficult!.

What are the essential difference in character of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Jesus is the main outcome in this process. He has lead the human life which is both human and divine. Mary has clearly shown us, how she has been chosen by God to bring Jesus to this world, while Joseph character is allowing us to reflect more how he led his life as the foster father of Jesus. His character is somewhat hidden, for us to reflect more and see how he supported the God's plan!. Next 2 sundays we reflect more on characteristics of Holy family and characteristics of Jesus both human and divine nature.


From December 25 th we start the Christmas season until January 6thDecember 25 th we remember the historical event of Jesus birth. Jesus birth essentially remind us
(1) Promised messiah to relieve human to reach the intended happiness of God's creation
(2) How God beautifully send Jesus, like a normal human to this world. In order to do that how HE selected Holy Mary and Joseph
And of their virginal marriege.
(3)Jesus has shown the human + divine characteristics; Mary has shown how to follow God's will and Joseph represent all of human(including saints)how we should carry out God's will.

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1 Beauty of God's plan
God in HIS own wisdom, has decided how to send HIS own son Jesus to this world to show us a path for gaining happiness. the birth of Christ we remember age old prophecies that were made 500 of years in advance  fulfilled,that a virgin would conceive (Is7:14), and redeemer would be born of the tribe of Judah(Gen 49:10),

The season of advent which prepares for Christmas reminds us that God never ceases to come to us in order to create"New Heavens,new earth where according to his promise,the justice of God will reside"(2 Pt3:13)

But in order for God to come among us,we must welcome him."Here I stand,knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and open the door,I will enter his house"(Rv3:20) Each year Christmas allow us to realize again the necessity of creating a place for God to come &reside among us"&"create with us A NEW EARTH".

B.2 Historical Jesus and living jesus

We cannot separate the jesus of history for what some people call the Christ of Faith. They are one and the same. We need to put Jesus back to the first century context. If we disconnect Him from history or come up with some sort of New Age Jesus, who is detached from the cross or the resurrection, we have lost His real identity. The same goes with anti-Semitism in the name of a Jesus whose first century Jewish ness has been ignored or suppressed. How are we going out to sort out the real Jesus from the fake, unless Jesus anchored in the historical gospels?. There are countless people who has disconnected Jesus from reality and then manufactured their own version of Him.- A Jesus who teaches them what they want to hear rather than what they separately need to know. This Jesus is anemic- powerless and pale, because He exists only in their imaginations. All the while the authentic Jesus- with His love and strength, His miraculous power and saving grace- stand patiently by. So many people are creating Jesus who matches their preconceptions about what they think He should be like, but in the process they are missing the real Jesus!.

B.3 Back ground of Christmas:

The feast of christmas," the mass of christ" is not one of the church's earliest festivals; in fact birth of christ used to be celebrated on January 6th in union of the visit of the Magi. The feast of nativity became distinct in the eastern church during the 3rd century, and at Rome about the year 300. Here the date was december 25 th, but other parts of the church kept different days for a long time. It is likely that the selection of the december date was due to an effort to supplant the great Roman Solar feast'natalis solis invicti'(the birth of the unconquerable sun God, by the celebration of the earthly birth of "The light of the world", who indeed is so unconquerable as our lord? Wrote st chrysostom in the 4th century.'HE IS THE SUN OF JUSTICE'.

B.4. Pope's Masses on christmas

The pope used to say mid night mass of the angels in the great basilica of St Mary Major, where the relics of the manager are preserved, to recall our Lords Eternal Birth in the bosom of the Father' before the dawn of ages'.

The second mass at day break, 'The mass of the shepard' was said by the pope in St Anastasia's church.(Resurrection)basilica in Jerusalem, and it was the official chapel of the imperial Byzantine court at Rome. This Mass was to commemorate the human birth of the"Light of Light"

The 3rd and solemn mass of the feast is then celebrated in St Peters and was meant to symbolize christ's birth in the hearts of the faithful, and is coming in glory to every human. This 3rd mass came to be favorite one of the court ceremonies, such as the coronation of Charlenmagne by the pope in 800, or that of William of Normandy in westminister in 1066.

B.5. Popular catholic customs:

St Francis of Assisi, originated, to adore holy babe in 1223. He erected a representation of the stable and manger with a live ox and Ass in a forest-cave near the little town of graccio. During the Mass, the saint preached to the villagers on the limit less mercy, pity and love of God, and the image of the Babe in his arms was seen to come to life for a short space.

Christmas Carols and Trees

 In the 11th and 12th centuries the German. Christmas songs and 'Noels' came into being, and 'Carols' in 13th century. Jacopane da Todi at1306 AD is regarded as the composer of the charming 'stabat Mater Specioosa'. In the 10th century appeared the tradition that the trees and blosom on christmas night. Candles on a Christmas tree are 1 st mentioned in 13 th century epic. Our christmas tree seems to have of been German origin, and is symbolic both of the tree of life in the garden of Eden and of the tree of the Cross. It is earliest reference is 1605, but it did not attain popularity in Germany and England until about 1840.

C. Today's readings:

Vigil Mass:
Mt(1:18-25) " ...... The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call Him Emmanuel, a name which means' God-is-with-us'......."

Act of apostles(Ac 13:16-17.22-25) says
"............I am not the one you imagine me to be: that one is coming after me and I am not fit to undue His sandal"

Prophet isaiah(Is 62:1-5) says:"
"About Zion I will not be silent....."
All readings summerises how the propercy of birth of Jesus is fulfilled!

Mass during night:

Lk 2:1-14 says"........and suddenly with the angel there was a great thrown of the heavenly host praising God and singing
'Glory to God and highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy His favor"

Paul(Tt 2:11-14) says "God's grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race......"

Prophet isaiah says(Is 9:1-7)"the people that walked in darkness has seen a great light...."

All readings Reminds; about the good news of great Joy.

Mass at dawn:
Lk 2:15-20:
"Now when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepard said to one another 'let us go to Bethlehem..........and the Shepard went back glorifying and praising God for all......."

Paul says(Tt 3:4-7)" was for no reason except His own compassion that He saved us......."
 Prophet Isaiah says" say to the daughter of Zion, 'look your savior comes......."

All readings reminds that we have to give birth to christ in our lives!

Mass at day time:
Jn 1:1-18: " .... But to all who did accept Him
He gave power to become children of God......"

Letter to Hebrew(Heb1:1-6)" at various times in the past and in various different ways God spoke to our ancestors, through the prophets ; but in our own time, the last days, He has spoken to us through His son........"

Prophet Isaiah(is 52:7-10) says" how beautiful on the mountains,are the feet of one who brings good news........"

All readings reminds that when you follow the new message of jesus you will be relieved from fear and sorrow, in the present life!


In advent we were requested to understand the basic actions needed to plant birth of christ. In christmas season we were invited to know further the historical background of how God has send His own son for our salvation. Special attention to be made about how Jesus came through Holy Mary
and St Joseph in to this world. The role of Mary and joseph in facilitation Jesus to come to this world.
Christmas day we will be mainly reminded
(1)Historical birth of jesus Christ
(2)Singing of angels at the birth of Jesus- carols
(3)Reminding the salvation for humans by christmas tree- introduction of original tree of life at the garden of Eden!.

Christianity is the new message of LOVE to all humans in this world. Until one feels the spirit of Christmas,there is no Christmas!.

Wish you a Happy Christmas!


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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Immaculate Conception Of Mary (8/12) general version

A. Back ground:

(1) why Judaism still not believing the messiah has come?
God in His wisdom,shows us a path for happy life thru' Jesus. Birth of Jesus shows us following major points:
1.1 Jesus came to this world, like a normal human. He was having divine and human characteristics. Judaism still does not believe this. They expect messiah to come thru' supernatural means.
1.2 Jesus life gives us the message that has to be established in our life, to reintroduce Happiness, as suffered by the original sin.
1.3 Message of Jesus clearly shows how to use our free will to achieve Happiness, in 3 steps; have(a)peaceful(b)worry free(c)happy mind. To have peaceful mind you should avoid laziness,judging others and anger in your life. For worry less mind, you should handover all worries to Holy Mary/saints and lead your life calmly. For happy mind you should avoid all 7 vices(sloth, anger, pride, lust, envy, gluttony. avarice) in your life

IT IS IN THIS PROCESS THAT THE ROLE OF MARY AND ALL SAINTS WILL HELP US TO ACHIEVE A WORRY LESS MIND. At cana Jesus clearly shows that we should go to Mary for our happiness(wine), while we maintain our life with Catholic behaviour(water-following 10 commandments with pardoning principle)

(2) Method followed by our lord, in introducing Jesus(part of trinity) to this world!
Picture of Holy family
Mary and joseph marriege was virginal from start to finish, and God planned to produce the infant messiah as it's fruit and off spring. Not did the perpetual virginity of both partners in any way diminish, still less invalidated, their married status or their true parent hood


(3) Changes introduce by JESUS

The 4 pillars of Judaism has been shifted to christianity as follows:

(1) Faith shifted from 1 God to Triune(Trinity) and it is given in Creed
(2)Worship shifted from slaughtering animal and spreading blood over the offering table to 7 sacraments(catholics). Please note that all other christian denomination there are only 2 Sacraments
(3)Spirituality: Establish connection with God: going to temple and pray has been shifted to Our father+ intercession prayers through Mary+saints. Please note that other christian denomination does not support intercession prayers
(4) Behaviour- How we live: 10 commandments with Eye to Eye principle has been shifted to 10 commandments with 'turn other cheek(PARDONING)

B.3 HOW GOD PLANNED TO INTRODUCE FULL FREEDOM TO HUMAN.(After betrayal of our original parents)

Please note new freedom is to utilise your own will subject to Love.

 Before to Jesus

(1) Follow 10 commandments with 'Eye to Eye' Principle
(2) God was directly involved for instruction & even for the supply of food
(3) Human free will was not fully utilised,since God was directly instructing, like a child is brought up by the parents!

 After Jesus

(1) Follow 10 commandments with 'Turn the other cheek' (pardoning)Principle
(2) God was indirect. You have to search for Him. You have to search for food. All other basic element for living is given free, same as before(ex: water,sunlight,air,earth,fire)
(3) Human free will has to be fully utilised and see that from your life God's will is carried out!
(4) Love concept introduced, since God is now indirect.
(A)LOVE YOUR SELF- maintain a Peaceful(without laziness and without anger,without judging others) and worry less mind(hand over worries thru'  Mary and saints and live without worries)
(B)LOVE GOD- have a happy mind( without other 5 vices-avarice,pride,envy, gluttony,lust)+ LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR- convert your inborn talents to energy and serve the society for the glory of God.

The above 4 th point is totally new after Jesus, and you have to first achieve A and then go to B

Pictorial view of new theory to be practised

(4)Why  Mary has being chosen by God to be the interface between Jesus and humans?

Mary lead a holy life, from the inception of her birth. She was not bothered about earthly desires but only spiritual. How we know that?

Mary did not blame God for the troubles she under went in following God's will. This is quiet abnormal to understand by any human. Why? Always human try to find their way to a easy life and when a trouble comes, they try to find a escape goat!. This is coming from the original sin!

Blame game

Original sin, causes a main earthly excuse to find a reason for your vices. How it came?
Adam and Eve disobedience changed everything. They wore pig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE you"(does God not know).God doesn't ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity"COME CLEAN".Adam came clean. When God asked why?,he said" women whom you gave me to be with me,she gave me the fruit & I ate!".his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom you gave me" to indicate the final blame to go to God for his own disobedience. God ask Eve-She realising how this game is played,passes the buck once more."SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE" this Blame Game can only go so far and beginning with serpent,God declares HIS judgement against each of guilty parties. For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of labouring field.


The evidences of Mary, given in the bible: some says Mary is not mention in Bible. This is not true!

1) When Adam & Eve disobeyed God, HE said to Satan that "you cheated a woman and one day a woman will crush your head"
2)During the Annunciation
3)Visiting Elizabeth
4)Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem
5)Presenting Our Lord in the Temple
6) Joseph escaping  to Egypt  with mary and baby Jesus  on a donkey  when the rulers were looking for Baby Jesus  with the intention of harming him or destroying him
(7)Jesus lost in the Temple at the age of12
(8)1st miracle- wedding in Cana
(9)when Jesus declared who is my mother..etc
(10)On the Cross,Jesus words to Mary & john.
(11) Jesus dead body on lap of Mary
(12) On the Pentercost Day.

From (8)-(12) a strong evidence of God's will implemented by mary on her own is clearly visible.

B. Role of Holy mary, as seen from the life of christ!
(1) 3 years of Jesus public life shows the powerful message of love thru' apostles and mary to this world!. Mary has been associating with Jesus 30 years. How much experience she might have got in this 30 years!
(2) Principle changed to human, in association of God and how it is in line with the practical world.
In human life too, you are interdependent. You cannot live along. Catholism beautifully preserve the same principal. Always you go to God for your happiness thru' Mary and saints. So communion with saints will be necessary. This required for you to study about saints. This method make catholism very dynamic, as there is a well established process to declare saints. Saints will keep on increasing until the end of this world.

(3) Role of mary, in Jesus public life

In the public life of Jesus, mary make significant appearances. This is so even at the very beginning, when at the marriege feast of Cana, moved with pity, she brought her intercession the beginning of miracles of Jesus the messiah(cf. Jn 2:1-11). In the course of her son's preaching she received the words whereby in extolling a kingdom beyond the calculations and bonds of flesh and blood, He declared blessed (cf:mark3:35;27-28) those who heard and kept the word of God, as she was faithfully doing(cf luke 2:19,51). After this manner the blessed virgin advanced in her pilgrimage of faith, and faithfully preserved in her union with her son unto the cross, where she stood, in keeping with the divine plan(cf: john 19:25), grieving exceedingly with Her only begotten son, uniting herself with a maternal heart with His sacrifice, and lovingly consenting to the immolation of this victim which she herself has brought forth. Finally she was given by the same Christ Jesus dying on the cross as a mother to His disciple with these words"WOMEN BEHOLD THY SON"(cf John 19:26-27).

(4) Role of mary, after the decention of Holy Spirit.
At the cross Mary was given the task of looking after humans happiness. This is very evident as she appeared many times, just to reveal the protection of human. The 3 most recent ones where catholic church has approved are:
(1) In 1830 at Paris to st Catherine
(2) In 1858 at lourdes to st Bernedeth
(3) In 1917 at Fatima/portugal to blessed Jasinta, blessed Francisco And to Lucy.


The Message of Fatima is contained in a series of Church-approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. From 13/5/1917 to13/10/1917. Holy Mary appeared 6 times(13/6,13/7,15/8, 13/9) to- Francisco(7years),Jacinta(9 years) and Lucia(10 years)at Fatima.

Apparitions  took place on a small property belong to Lucia's parents called Cova Da Iria, about a mile and half from Fatima on the road to Leiria. Our lady appeared over a holm ork tree, just over 3 feet high!. Francisco could only see Our Lady; He could not hear her. Jacinta could see and hear Her. Lucia could see,hear and talk with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

She always keep watch of humans who ask her protection, by wearing miraculous medal and reciting daily individual Rosary

C. Relation between immaculate Conception and Assumption

(1) Elija and moses/ transfiguration
In the old testament these two appeared that they have taken to heaven bodily and their burial place appears to be unknown. Elija was very powerful prophet, who has foretoldc many incidents of jesus, while Moses is important of the introduction of human behavioural law.(10 commandments)

(2) Holy mary's dogma's

Immaculate conception dogma has been introduce in 1854, while assumption was introduced in 1950.
 God in His own wisdom might have decided the delay in introduction these concepts, may be it is relevant to the need of this concept after these era. Earlier catholics believed the same without establishing the dogma's.

D. Why mary's is chosen-special merits
As God to jesus interface, mary has proven Herself ideal in character, to bring Jesus into this world. Not only that she proved herself ideally fit in character in leading the role of mother for Jesus and showed a good example for apostles until her mission in this world ends.

E. How mary declared Her position

On27/11/1830Mary gave a Medal to Catherine(24yrs).Formed around her,written,"O MARY CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN,pray for us who have recourse to you"Then MARY told 'HAVE A MEDAL MADE ACCORDING TO THIS MODEL,EVERY ONE WHO WEARS IT AROUND THEIR NECK WILL RECEIVE GREAT GRACES.FOR THOSE WHO WEAR WITH CONFIDENCE THERE WILL BE ABUNDANT GRACES!"By1842>100m medals distributed. Due to profusion of healing & conversions,MEDAL named 'MIRACULIOUS'.2/2/1849 Pope Pius IX commence study"IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" and dogma established on 8/12/1854.Within4 yrs,on 25/3/1858 Mary confirmed her name "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION"to
14yr illiteral Bernadette. A lady cannot have such a name!She repeated what she had heard to the priest!.From feb11to july16th/1858,Mary appeared18 times to Bernadette in Lourdes.

F. Delay in introducing Mary's role

8/12/1854,dogma of Immaculate Conception was defined by pope Pius 9. Why did it took so long? In the course of history of church, this had been the object of some disagreement. Sources of these are 2 fold.1st was universility of original sin taught with such vigor by St Paul in his letters& universility of Redemption in which it seemed impossible to exempt one sole creature,even if she was mother of God. Council of trent shed light on this 1st point when it declared that it did not intend"to include Blessed & immaculate Virgin Mary in decree relative to original sin" with regard to 2 point,church introduced distinction between Redemption of victims of original sin&antecdent "Preservation" accorded to Virgin Mary in view of future Redemption. Despite these reservations this,feast spread gradually thru out church!

May be God in His own wisdom, shown us the role of mary after 1830 years and instigated catholic church to introduce dogma's of mary. Also mary's apparitions
 For Miraculous medal/lourdes/ fatima

G. Clear evidence for mary's dogma's

Two un corrupt bodies of st catherine and St Bernedeth gives us a clear evidence of truth of dogmas established by catholic church. Ie mary's Immaculate conception and Mary's assumption.

I. Mary's role with other christian denominations!
Division's of Christianity!

Christianity first divided to catholism and orthodox in 1054/july/16. Break began as a political split within Roman Empire and evolved into a theological split. It is like twins separated at birth!.

Catholicism started to have divisions with Martin Luther in 1521. He was critical about the church activities at that time and wrote about 95 theses against nepotism & simony to correct.(Nepotism-choosing of family members to fill positions regardless of their actual qualifications)(simony-buying of church offices and church"things" such as sacraments and relics of saints) Church theologian appointed to discuss with him,Luther raised the question of Papal infallibility,which led eventually to ex communicate him with the church!. This is how PROTESTANTS started. In questioning centralised authority, Luther also showed a lack of any need for it. This stance opened the door for any one who disagreed with anyone else simply split off. These breaks grew exponentially as groups broke off from other groups, resulting thousands of Protestants that exist today.

In 1530 King Henry VIII, established himself as the supreme head of English Church, forming the Anglican church!.

Note: there are about 1 billion catholics while there are about 250 million orthodox christians centred around where christ apostles established christian communities!.

Main reason

Main divisions of Christianity has stemmed from centralised authority, but not the question of ROLE OF MARY!.

But to day, it appears, many denominations are not identifying the Role of Mary in christianity!. Without our knowledge, we have been deviating the problem towards another direction, as whether to treat Mary as MOTHER OF CHURCH universally

J. Vatican 2- narrow approval for mary
Vatican iI council was divided in approving the role of Mary. However by majority vote it was approved to treat as Mary as mother of God.

K. What is mary's role!
treating every christian, Mary as our own mother! Christianity,is to follow the will of God. The order of God's law requires that we should be brought to him thru Mary.

L. Mary and candle

Candles are used only by Christians. you are like a Candle. your life is similar to-Thread,your Happiness thru' God represent Flame, your love of Mary represent Wax. More wax means More flame in your life!. Wear miraculous medal and Pray daily Rosary for more wax, to lead your life in accordance with  GOD'S will