Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Saints 1/11 (general)

1. Inter dependency

To get loaf of bread home,there are many people involved. Ex:grow wheat,cut,grind etc For you to live happily in this world you need another person support. Hence you have to Love and depend on them. May be just to show,heavenly need to associate with saints.

2. Does Christianity says saints are necessary?

God got consent from Mary to bring Jesus into this world,still Judaism cannot believe it!.By divine choice Mary/saints are interceeding for us!.(ex: Cana wedding),

MOST THING IN CHRISTIANITY  WORKING THRU' SECONDRY SOURCES. Others interceded Jesus on behalf of their friends,HE never rebuke them &request sick person himself to come direct to him.(Ex:canaanite women Mat15:22,Roman centurion LK;7:1-10)

3. Does saints need our honour?

Saints does not need honour from us neither our devotions add slightest thing for what theirs!.

4. Value of saints to our life

For happy life you need friends and leave them with death,but if you have a saint friend,he is forever!.

Prayer with saints affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God.

5. Beautiful process of Canonisation

Canonisation is an official decree of the catholic church. It is definitive judgement of the Pope, that a person is now listed among saints in Heaven. Through Canonisation, the pope makes a formal declaration that the immortal soul of the person in question is now with God and with His eternal glory. Hence we look on saints with great respect and admiration. The saint is given as an example because of their Virtues. Beatification is a step in the canonisation process. If a person is beatified, he has been thoroughly investigated by the church, a miracle has been attributed to him, and he has been given the title Blessed. The catholic church canonaises or beatifies only those whose lives have been marked by the use of heroic virtue.(Good work that greatly out distance those of ordinary good people). In order to be heroic, it must be done with pure & honourable motives, quickly & thoroughly. A heroic virtue is a habit of good conduct that has become second nature to a person- not just a good deed here or there, like helping an old lady across a street . HEROIC VIRTUE HELPS AN ORDINERY PERSON TO ACCOMPLISH ORDINARY THINGS IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY!. Does any other christian denomination have SAINTS or this kind of process?

6. Steps followed to declare as saints

5steps to declare a Saint
(1)whether he lead his life with 7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE,JUSTICE,FORTITUDE, TEMPERENCE+theological-FAITH,HOPE, CHARITY)
(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered"SERVENT OF GOD"
(3)Relator & experts investigate his writting& work whether those are Theologically Sound!,with majority CFCOS,Pope will declare him as "VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by lay people!)
(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural & directly attributed to him)
(5)After Blessed another miracle need him to be canonised as Saint!.

7. Pope saints

St Peter to pope francis,there were266popes. 80 popes have declared as saints. Earliest popes were martyred for their faith and became saints. Once persecution of church ended,popes becoming saints got thinner. Only 4popes became saints in last701yrs, after Celestine V(1313),PiusV(1712),Pius X(1954)& recent were John23& John Paul2,(2014 apr).

19th and 20th centuries 80&665 new saints declared.

8. Saints to our life
By divine choice Mary & saints are interceding for us!.(ex:Cana why Mary request Jesus),Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God."PRAY FOR ME"means I am inviting you to be in my family!

9: New concepts of God with Jesus

Mary's role: A creature was asked by the CREATOR, if she would freely cooperate with God's plan to take humanity out of mire,Mary accepted. This is the new concept of christianity! Your free will is only thing that belongs to you. God will never interfere to your free will. In order to find God's will for you, you should have a Peaceful mind without worries. Then U will get to know His will thru' various means. Then you can either Accept or reject His will.
New concept is(1)God willed to send His son thru holy family(2)God willed that thru' Mary/saints to relieve our fear & sorrow, similar to our earthly friends. Unfortunately only catholics know this not our Protestant friends!.

For more details follow this links :
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Or for more details about Mary

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

St John Paul II- (22/10) General Version

A. Karol and His family

Karol Wojtyla- a Polish, was born on 18 may 1920. His father was attached Polish military and had a dominant influence for his early formation as his mother died when he was nine years. When he was 13 his older brother passed away. At the age19 He lost his father. So when he become20, he was without any family members. These blows, caused him great grief to a grander maturity and wisdom of life and a firmer faith in God.
Added to the crucible of family loss was the circumstance of his country falling in to the hands of Nazi despot. This intellectually gifted young man was obliged to pursue studies in what amounted to an underground university while working first in the stone quarry and then in a chemical factory. These years saw his early infatuation with theatre grow in to what appeared to be career path. Yet simultaneously there was a inner sense of a call to the priest hood that began aftermath of his fathers death.

B. His personality

There was a rich combination of personal gifts afforded him such as profound and analytical intellect, his ability to communicate through word and gesture and even his fine singing voice, his exceptional sociability and ability to engage with people, his excellent memory and strong and attractive figure.

C. His prominent life experience

He experienced at close range the two greatest modern abomination stemming from the rejection of God- dialects materialism or communism and Nazi fascism. From 1939 to 1945, poland was occupied by  troops of Nazi leadership. This tragic period was followed by an era, perhaps less brutal but more insidious in some ways in its attack on the integrity of persons on basic freedom and church.
Finally Poland was with another era for 44 years, a satellite of Soviet Russia.

D. His Priesthood carrier

He was  ordained on 1 November 1946 by Adam Stefan Sapieha,and Consecration on 28 September 1958 by Eugeniusz Baziak,appointed as Cardinal : 26 June 1967, His Papacy period is from16 October 1978 to 2 April 2005(26 years,168 days). He was beautified on 1st May 2011 at Saint Peter's Square, Vatican city by Pope Benedict XVI. He was raised to alter by Pope Francis 1 on 27/4/2014.

C. How John paul II name came?

In august 1978, following Pope paul VI's death, cardinal wojtyla voted in his 1 st papal conclave since being made as cardinal. There were many possible contenders to the throne of St peter. Yet the conclave elected an italian from Venice, Albino luciani, who was 65 years old. He broke with tradition and was the 1st pope to take 2 names, John Paul I to honour his 2 immediate predecessors, John XXIII and paul VI. Luciani reigned as pope and as sovereign of vatican city state from august 26, 1978 to september 28 of the same year. His 1 month papacy is one of the shortest in history.
Interestingly, Pope John XXIII started vatican II, Paul VI conducted and John Paul II, implemented the major actions reining the 3rd longest papal office.

D. Vatican II

Previous council of Vatican1 held100years before to decide on papal infallability!.
Pope PiusXII laid ground work in1950 for Vatican2 which opened in1962by pope JohnXXIII and he declared St Joseph as Heavenly Protector of Vatican2.
Around3000 priests+lay people attended.Closed by Paul XI in 1965. Church well being and modernisation were top priority of the agenda!.Major outcomes of this council were
(1)Latin was replaced by common language of local people,priest was allowed to face people and in 3years nearly all of scriptures would be read at Holy Sunday Mass
(2)lay people to read scriptures, assist with distribution of Holy communion
(3)marriage &single life were respected,as equal vocation of GOD along with Holy orders
(4)promoting Christian unity among religions
(5)using modern technology to explain faith.

E. John paul II and Holy Mary
Pope John paul II, like most other popes, took a moto as well as a new name when He was elected bishop of Rome by cardinals, in 1978 after the untimely death of pope john paul I,one month after his election. His Motto was" totus tuus", which is latin for"TOTALLY YOURS". It is based on spirituality of St Louis de Montfort, a 17 century french priest, who promoted a strong devotion to the VIRGIN MARY. Part of that spirituality focussed on being "TOTALLY YOURS"- that is being totally committed to following the holy example of MARY, the mother of JESUS, especially in Her humility and her obedient disciple ship to that same son of hers.
He wrote a papal en cyclical in 1987(Redemptoris Mater) on VIRGIN MARY as mother of the redeemer(JESUS CHRIST) and Her Role in Salvation.

F. Brushes with death

At least in 3 occasions he was close to death. One in childhood and one as Pope.
Childhood: one friend, who's father ran a pub in Wadowice(town of karol youth),was playing with a gun of a local police man, who used to entrust it, supposedly unloaded, to the publican while he enjoyed a few drinks. In jest karol friend pointed the gun at him and pull the trigger. There was a shock on the faces of all when the gun fired and lightly gazed a side of his head, lodging in the wall behind him. Later, as a young man during German occupation, a nazi convoy passed him by considerable speed. One of the trucks hit him, knocking him unconsciously alongside the road. He lay there until a woman saw him and shouted down one of the other trucks, whose driver was sympathetic enough to take him to the hospital.
The most dramatic of all these close calls with death was undoubtly which took place in St peter's square on 13 May 1981,less than 3 years in the papcy. The images of the assassination attempt of Ali Agca are embedded in many a witness memories and in some remarkable photo's taken by bystanders. Though more than one bullet struck the pope, it is said the one that did most damage came within a millimetre of being, without doubt fatal.

G. John Paul II- lover of sports

John Paul II soccer lover!,He played as goal keeper. Young Karol was chastised by parish priest for repeatedly kicking a soccer ball against wall of church. When he was installed as pope on sunday 22nd 1978,he scheduled mass in morning,so that every one can see afternoon soccer matches in TV His papacy was remarked like a goal keeper!,who protected and understood value of being team player. He chastised a bishop"if you are going to be in choir,you have got to learn to sing in harmony"!.
Shortly after his election, He wanted to install modern swimming pool at Castel Gandolfo. Aide asked whether he is concerned about cost. Mindful of unexpected death of his predecessor, John Paul1(lived1month as pope)he responded,"It will be cheaper than cost of another conclave!"John Paul II swam until 2002(81yrs).

H. Wide traveller

He was fluent in 14 languages!.
He was1st pope to visit most of nations, while travelling1,2M Km(equivalent of 31 trips around globe).He received17.6 M visitors, at St Peters square. He died on2/4/2005. His body was respected by 3M people. No other person in recent history has had such a tremendous display of respect& mourning over his life &death.

I.  Canonisation:

Canonisation is an official decree of the catholic church. It is definitive judgement of the Pope, that a person is now listed among saints in Heaven. Through Canonisation, the pope makes a formal declaration that the immortal soul of the person in question is now with God and His eternal glory. Hence we look on saints with great respect and admiration. The saint is given as an example because of their Virtues. Beatification is a step in the canonisation process. If a person is beatified, he has been thoroughly investigated by the church, a miracle has been attributed to him, and he has been given the title Blessed. The catholic church canonaises or beatifies only those whose lives have been marked by the use of heroic virtue.(Good work that greatly out distance those of ordinary good people). In order to be heroic, it must be done with pure & honourable motives, quickly & thoroughly. A heroic virtue is a habit of good conduct that has become second nature to a person- not just a good deed here or there, like helping an old lady across a street . HEROIC VIRTUE HELPS AN ORDINERY PERSON TO ACCOMPLISH ORDINARY THINGS IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY!.

Does any other christian denomination have SAINTS or this kind of process?

J.  Canonisation process.

5 steps to declare a Saint
(1)whether he lead his life with 7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE, JUSTICE, FORTITUDE,TEMPERENCE+theological-FAITH,HOPE, CHARITY)
(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered"SERVENT OF GOD"
(3)Relator & experts investigate his writing and work whether those are Theologically Sound!,with majority CFCOS,Pope will declare him as "VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by lay people!)
(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural & directly attributed to him)
(5)After Blessed another miracle need him to be canonized as Saint!.
19&20th centuries 80 and 665 new saints declared.

J. Practical aspect of Canonisation!

By divine choice Mary & saints are interceding for us!.(ex:Cana why Mary request Jesus),Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God."PRAY FOR ME"means I am inviting you to be in my family!

In addition, canonisation indicates, that candidate should have evidenced of consistent Joy during his life!. JOY HAS BEEN CALLED" THE KEYNOTE OF THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE" as shown by John (15:11) All these I have told you so that my joy will be yours. In the lives of saints we see how characteristically the JOY OF THE LORD manifested itself. Similarly in the life of St John Paul II we see the same.

K. Canonised more saints!
St John Paul II greatly increased the number of canonisation and saints!
He held 51 canonisations recognising 483 saints!

History of canonisations are given below.
16 century- 1 canonisation ceremony with 1 saint
17 century- 10 canonisation ceremonies with 24 saints
18 century- 9 canonisation ceremonies with 29 saints
19 century- 8 canonisation ceremonies with 80 saints
20 century- 8 canonisation ceremonies with 80 saints

L. Canonisation of popes!

St peter to pope Francis,there were 266 popes.80 popes have declared as saints. Earliest popes were martyred for their faith & became as saints. once the persecution of church ended, the clusters of popes names of saints got thinner. The last 2 popes became saints were JohnXXIII and JohnPaul II,on 27/4/2014.

Both these saints were living examples of "travelling, meeting people,learning new cultures etc".They both commonly recognised SEED OF TRUTH & EVEN GOD'S PRESENCE COULD BE SEEN AT WORK IN OTHER RELIGIONS TOO.

Over the last 701 yrs from this date only 4 popes became saints.

M. John Paul II  beatification and canonisation.

Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun and a member of the Congregation of Little Sisters of Catholic Maternity Wards, confined to her bed by Parkinson's Disease, was reported to have experienced a "complete and lasting cure after members of her community prayed for the intercession of Pope John Paul II"

2 nd miracle for canonisation!

Floribeth Mora Diaz, the Costa Rican woman whose inexplicable cure from brain Aneurysm has been completely cured after praying to bl Jp2. SHE SAID I ALWAYS KEPT MY FAITH, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN  A FIRM BELIEVER. I HAVE A DEEP LOVE OF GOD.
That was in may 2011. Doctors could not explain the rapid improvement, and Mora became the second official miracle attribute to blessed John Paul II, who died in 2005.

On 5 july 2013, pope francis signed the decree allowing canonization of Bl JP2 and Bl john 23

He died 2/4/2005,beatified on1/5/2011 and  declared as saint on 27/4/2014.He was a MAN FOR ALL SEASONS-with strong FAITH.

His Feast day is 22 October 

St John Paul II- PRAY FOR US!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Our Lady of Fatima (13/10/1917)

Our Lady of Fatima (13/10/1917)

In 1917 Blessed Mother have revealed herself in the insignificant little village of Fatima, Mostly She is known as 'Our Lady Of Fatima'.


During first half of last century, we experienced 2 world wars!.Ideals and values and Institutions that has shaped and nurtured our civilisation for many centuries were overthrown and trampled upon.
From1914-18, we experienced world war1, and Communism seized power in Russia exactly 25 days after(13/10),last apparition of Fatima.

Holy Mary gave timely messages for mankind of imminent catastrophic collapse of governments, justice,religion& morality which started in early 20th century& is continuing in various forms to effect us ever since!.

2. How Fatima Name came?

Historically Muslims occupied Portugal for Centuries. At the time when they were finally driven out, the last Muslim chief had a beautiful daughter by the name of Fatima.(Is the name of the daughter of Prophet Mohamed) A catholic boy fell in love with her, and for him she not only stayed behind when the muslims left, but even embrace the faith. The young husband was so much in love with her that he changed the name of the town where he lived to Fatima.In 1917 Blessed Mother have revealed herself in this insignificant little village of Fatima,  as 'Our Lady Of Fatima'.
(Ref: first love: Fulton J sheen,)


The Message of Fatima is contained in a series of Church-approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. From 13/5/1917 to13/10/1917. Holy Mary appeared 6 times(13/6,13/7,15/8, 13/9) to- Francisco(7years),Jacinta(9 years) and Lucia(10 years)at Fatima.

Apparitions  took place on a small property belong to Lucia's parents called Cova Da Iria, about a mile and half from Fatima on the road to Leiria. Our lady appeared over a holm ork tree, just over 3 feet high!. Francisco could only see Our Lady; He could not hear her. Jacinta could see and hear Her. Lucia could see,hear and talk with the Blessed Virgin Mary.


​Francisco died in1919, while Jasintha died 1920 and her face found to be incorrupt in1935.Sr lucia died on 13/2/2005.

Two of the children, Francisco and Jacinta, were beatified — declared blessed, the final step before canonization — by Pope John Paul II in year 2000. 

(Details will be given, on the respective day in 2015, in this blog/website)

13/5- 1st VISION


The 3 seers were playing at Cova da Iria when they saw two flashes like lightning,after which THE MOTHER OF GOD above the holm oak tree. Holy Mary requested seers
(1)to come 6 months, in succession on 13th of every month.
(2) Pray the daily Rosary(appears 5 decades) to end the war
(3)Seers to carryout penance( they started to wear a thick rough code around their waist-after this)

13/6- 2nd VISION

Devotion to Immaculate Heart of Mary

Lucia: what does U'r grace wish of me?/Mary:pray DAILY ROSARY.(Lucia ask for cure of a sick person) If he convert he will be cure within a year!/L:Take us to Heaven?/M:Yes,I will take Jasinta & Francisco soon,but U will remain here. Jesus wishes to use U in order to make me known & loved!He wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world!.I PROMISE SALVATION TO THOSE WHO EMBRACE IT,and these souls will be beloved of GOD,like flowers arranged by me to adorn His Thrown/L:will I stay here alone?/M:no,daughter,Does that make U suffer much?Don't be dismayed I will never forsake U.MY IMMACULATE HEART SHALL BE OF U'R REFUGE & THE ROAD THAT SHALL LEAD U TO GOD!.

13/7- 3rd VISION

Communion of reparations on 1st saturdays

Initially Mary told 3 seers to pray daily Rosary& promised for a miracle in Oct,requested to make sacrifices for sinners.Seers saw Hell.Demons& souls of human shapes,submerge in fire,devils stood like frightful animals of horrible shapes.M:U saw Hell,where souls of poor sinners go!To save them God wishes to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart in the world!.If human do not stop offending God,another worse war will begin to punish world& future pope has, much to suffer,Consecrate Russia to my immaculate Heart&communion of reparation on1saturdays,for the peace of world. WHEN U PRAY ROSARY:after each decade say"o my Jesus,forgive us,save us from the fire of hell;lead all souls to heaven,specially those in most need" note:despite,WorldWar2came 1939/1945killing>15m people,Pius 12 consecrated Russia in1952/7/7,JP2 was injured in1981/5/13,communism was demised in1989!

15/8- 4th VISION

Feast of our lady of Rosary

On 13/8 seers couldnot see Mary due to unsuccessful abduction of Mayor,to get secrets from them.on15/8,at luci's uncles place,seers saw Mary over a holm tree! Lucie:what does u'r grace wish of me?/M: go to Cova da Iria on 13 of every month. On the last vision I will perform a miracle!/L:what does u'r grace want done with the money that people leave?/M:have 2 portable stand made.U,Jasinta & other 2 girls dressed in white carry one of them. Francisco to carry the other one with3other boys.The fortable stands are for feast of our Lady of left over should be contributed to the chappel that they shall build./L:request healing for some people/M:yes,I will cure some,becoming sadder She requested new practice of mortification,saying lastly"Pray,Pray much&make sacrifice for sinners,for many souls will go to hell because there is no one to sacrifice & pray for them.
Note: Winning2 battles at Lepanto1571 &in Hungary1716against Turks,resulted popesPIUS5&LEO13 to declare OCT 7- as Rosary feast.

6. Details of 5th and 6th (final) vision

13/9-5th vision-detail"

Mary's Promises

Around 20000 crowd was with 3seers.As usual, Sudden cooling of air, a dimming to the point where stars could be seen, and a rain resembling iridescent petals or snowflakes that disappeared before touching the ground. This time a luminous  globe was noticed which moved slowly and majestically through the sky from east to west and at the end of apparition, in the opposite direction.

The seers saw a light,and, immediately following this, they saw Our Lady over the Holm oak tree.

Our Lady: continue to pray rosary to obtain the end of the war.In October,our Lord will also come as well as our Lady of sorrows,and our lady of mount Carmel and  St Joseph with Child Jesus, to bless the world. God is pleased with your sacrifices,but He does not want you to sleep with the robes, wear them only during the day!

Lucia: they have requested me to ask you for many things for the cure of some sick persons of a deaf-mute

Our Lady: Yes, I will cure some. In october,I will perform a miracle for all to believe!.

Note: seers had started to wear a thick rough cord around their waist for penance. They did not remove even night

6th(last) apparation on 1310/1917

Miracle of sun

As on the other occasions, the seers first saw a bright light, and then they saw Our Lady over the holm oak.

Lucia: what does your grace wish of me?
Our Lady: I wish to tell you that I want a chappel built here in my honour. I am the Lady Of Rosary. Continue to pray the rosary every day. The war is going to end, and the soldiers soon return to their homes.

Lucia: I have many things to ask you: if you would cure some sick persons, and if you would convert some sinners...
Our Lady: Some yes, others No. They must ammend their lives and ask forgiveness for their sins.

BECOMING SADDER, SHE ADDED, ' let them offend our lord no more, for He is already much offended'

THEN OPENING HER HANDS, Our Lady shown the light issuing from them on to the sun, and as she rose, Her own radiance continued to be cast on to the sun"

AT THAT MOMENT LUCIA CRIED,"look at the sun"

Once Our Lady had disappeared in the expanse of the firmament, three seens followed in succession, symbolising the first JOYFUL MISTERIES OF ROSARY, then THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES, and, finally THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES.
Lucia along saw the three scenes; Francisco and Jasinta saw only the first.

THE FIRST SCENE: saint Joseph appeared beside the sun with the child Jesus and Our Lady of Rosary. It was the Holy Family. The virgin was dressed in white with a blue mantle. Saint Joseph also dressed in white, and the Child Jesus in the light red. Saint Joseph blessed the crowd, making the sign of the cross three times. The Child Jesus did the same

The second scene: this was followed by the vision of Our Lady of Sorrows, without the sword on Her brest, and of our Lord overwhelmed with sorrow on the way to calvary. Our lord made the sign of the cross to bless the people. Lucia could see the upper part of Our Lords Body.

The third scene: Finally, our Lord of mount carmel, crowned queen of heaven and earth, appeared in a glorious vision with the Child Jesus in Her bossom.

While these scenes took place, the great throng of about seventy thosand spectators witness the miracle of the sun.

It had rained all during apparation. At the end of the conversation between Our Lady and Lucia- when the blessed Virgin rose and lucia shouted," LOOK AT THE SUN"- the clouds opened up, revealing the sun as immenced silver disk. It shown with a, intensity never before seen, but was not blinding. This lasted only an instant. Then the immensed ball began to "dance". The sun began to spin rapidly lie a gigantic circle of fire. Then it stop momentarily, only to begin vertiginously again. Its rim became scarlet: whirling. It scattered red flames across the sky. Their light was reflected on the ground. On the trees, on the bushes, and on the very faces and the clothing of the people, which took on brilliant hues and changing colours.
After performing this bizarre pattern three times, the globe of fire seemed to tremble,shake, and then plunge in a zig-zag towards the terrified crowm.

All this lasted about 10 minutes.

Note:  Luminous mysteries were introduced by Pope St John Paul II in the year 2000.


7.1)Fatima & Communism!

Communism seized power in Russia exactly 25 days after the last apparation at Fatima(13/10/1917). A message transmitted to 3 seers-the little Lucia, Jacinta & Francisco-which remained secret until 1942, pointed to the errors of Russia, as the focus of serious disturbances, which have truly been shaking the world for the greater part of the last century!. Same message predicts the eventual conversion of that nation!. Under these conditions,the falling of Berlin Wall & the Iron Curtain in 9/11/1989, with the political upheavals that preceded & followed it in the countries of Eastern Europe, could not but associated with the prediction of Fatima. Could not those events be signs that Our Lady is fulfilling Her Promises?

7.2)Fatima & Sacrfice

In the 3rd vision(13/7)Mary told 3 children:
Lucia:what does u'r Grace wish of me?/M:pray rosary everyday, in honour of our lady of rosary in order to obtain peace for the world & to end war,for she alone can be of any avail/L:Who U are?.Perform a miracle so everyone will believe U'r Grace appears to us/M: continue to come here every month. In October I will tell U who I am & what I wish & I will perform a miracle that everyone can see so as to believe!/L:made number of requests for conversion cures & other graces,Mary recommended the constant recitation of rosary,thus they would obtain those graces during this year!/M: Sacrifice U'self for sinners & say many times,specially make some sacrifice,'Oh, Jesus this is for love of Thee,for the conversion of sinners,& in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate heart of Mary'

7.3) Fatima & St Joseph

During 4th appearance in Fatima,Mary fore told that st Joseph will appear beside herself & that He would be holding the child Jesus in His arms!,in the last(6th)apparition on 13/10this happened,amidst 70k crowd.On this crowning occasion,Mary requested to recite Rosary daily,to amend our lives.Next came SUN MIRACLE.1st Mary reappeared,robed in white with a blue mantle,standing on the left on the Sun.Sr Lucia,states that they were then shown 3 successive scenes,depicting 3parts of the rosary-Joyful,sorrowful,glorious mysteries.Prominently featured in the joyful mysteries was the red mantle figure of Joseph with the Christ child in his arms!position to the right of the sun,they jointly made the sign of the cross in blessing over the world!. Mary  drawing our attention to the commanding role of Joseph,played in the real Joyful life of ours & to remind us about Joseph,in our rosary!

7.4) Fatima and holy Trinity

On13/6/1929(11PM) while Sr Lucia,was on Holy Hour saw suddenly church was illuminated and cross of light that reached to ceiling appeared over altar.A man(GOD)could be seen from waist up in midst of a brighter light on upper part of cross.He had a dove of light(Holy Ghost)at His chest,body of Jesus was nailed to cross suspended in air just below His waist was a chalice & large Host on which fell some drops of blood from face and wounds of side of crucified, drops ran down host in to chalice.Mary was on right hand of Cross,with crown of thorns & flames,under left arm,it was written 'Grace & Mercy'.Then Mary said'God is asking Pope to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate heart"(original request in fatima on13/6/1917).Despite many reminders,on2/12/1940 Sr Lucia wrote directly to Pope Pius12,on7/7/1952 He accede to her request.

7.5) Fatima- cosecration to Holy Mary

96th anniversary of 1st apparition  Fatima,(13/5/2013), for 1st time in history,Pope Francis 1 has placed his pontificate under the protection of Our Lady of Fatima!. Also in13/10/2013 Pope Francis has consecrated world to Mary(Similar to St John Paul II did it-25/3/1984)in a ceremony before original statue of OUR LADY OF FATIMA flown from Portugal,at st Peters basilica in Rome



World war 1 ended in 1918, which resulted, 8.5 m casualties,21m wounded.  When the fighting stop & war ended.  Many people wanted to forget the horrors of 1914 to 1918, so they indulge themselves into numerous pleasures & distractions. Post war resulted in, to convert the factories that were producing weapons and ammunitions, now to produce consumer goods,and people wanted to spend money on entertainment, fashion & leisure. So many people endured enormous hardship during the war,and after the war they wanted to compensate their former misery with contemporary fun. The invention of talking movies(movies with sound), in the early 1920s and the invention of vacuum tybe for wireless radio, made going to the movies and listen to the radio two-popular past times! Although the former only cost pennies to do, the latter was free, and that made even more popular!.
Prohibition( the outlawing of alcohol in USA from 1920 to 1933) did not poop out the parting by any means. Though illegal, booze was still produced, shipped, and consumed during those years. Organised lime made a fortune on bootlegging( manufacture and transport of illegal beverages like beer and whiskey), and americans drank their hooch at speak easier(secret locations where members have to quietly order the illegal drink) run by gangsters like Al Capone, Bugs Morgan, & Lucky Luciano!. The straight-laced Victorian era (1837-1901) where manners & protocol were strictly adhered to by almost everyone in society regardless of social rank or economic statues, was caricaturized, ridiculed,& repudiated in the years between world war 1 & world war 2(1919-1939). Because many monachies were involved in the eruption of world war 1, some overreacted after the war not only abandoning the monachical style of government, but also the social expression of the aristocracy as well. The Victorian era morality was seen by some people as a relic and the symbol of the anti democratic republican system. The prim & proper demeanour of people during the reign of Queen Victoria of England(1837-1901) was now seen as being prudish or even puritanical. Where as the older morality found it socially unacceptable to be seen in public exposing your face & hands, the new morality of the 1920s not only saw the hem lines of women's skirts go higher & higher, but the overall ethical behaviour become more & more lax & licentious.
Whether it is drinking illegal alcohol, visiting places of public prostitution, or attending burlsquare shows, the Roaring twenties would later be considered somewhat decadent & antitheticle to traditional values like marriage & family. Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Anger & Gluttony are not only the seven deadly or capital sins- most of them were hobbies, if not preoccupation, of many people after world war 1 when some economic prosperity & new political freedom gave them a feeling of total liberty.
Treaty Of Versailles
In world war 1 Allied forces(UK,france, Italy, Belgium, Russia,USA) defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey,Balgeria. The defeated central power were led by GERMANS(Kaiser Wilhelm). Accordingly Germans were to handover their colonoies, and they were restricted to 100,000 army with no tanks, no air crafts, no air ships with no submarines!. Adolf Hitlor later used this treaty to drive the Germans to his Nazi Party. In 1923, outrages inflation was seeing in germany, where one $= 4 trillion marks( you need a big pocket to buy a loaf of bread). Also,  Allied forces could not supervise,& enforce the conditions of the treaty due to beurocratical process that they have to adopt by each countries.
World Wide Depression!
The US stock market crashed on Oct 1929, resulting, closure of banks, loosing jobs,their savings, pensions,homes & their lives!. Early 1930's resulted astronomical unemployment rates to be developed more than 25% in US, Germany & in UK.
Losing Confidence in the System
This inflation & no jobs, created frustration among people, resulting lack of faith in to the Governments!. This has resulted two political systems to arrive: Communism & Fascism (1920-1940).

7. 2Lenin(Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov)1870-1924 and Starlin( Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvill) 1879-1953

Stalin met with Lenin in 1905. Lenin was arrested for stirring for rebillion: he was sent to Siberia from 1913 to 1917.
When Czar Nicholoas2 was forced to abdicate in 1917 & was subsequently executed along with his entire immediate family,(Bolshevik Revolution) the government of Russia fell into the hands of the communist party & the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) was formed in 1922. Lenin is considered the founding Father of Communism. Lenin use Stalin as the enforcer of the communist party. In 1922, Stalin chairman of the Communist party. History later exposed, that Stalin had anyone from his past executed so that he could create his own myth about his origins. Stalin signed a nonagrgression pact with Hitler in 1939(to divide the Eastern Europe between them), which was honoured until 1941, when the Nazis invaded Russia & violated the treaty. After the pact was dissolved, Starling took Eastern Europe for himself, so that by end of world war 2, the Warsaw pact nation under Soviet control. They are Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, estimated of 11 m people died at the orders or under the authority of Stalin! During his long reign of terror from 1922 to 1953.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Rosary for unity (7/10) - in general

Feast of Our Lady Of Victory

Pope St PiusV(1504-1572),who made Roman missal(1570)for liturgy of latin mass(this liturgy remained unchanged for 400 years until 1970......), arranged for formation of Holy League,of Catholic states,which defeated Ottoman Empire at Battle of Lepanto in1571& attributed this victory to intercession of Virgin Mary&institute 'Feast of Our Lady of Victory'on Oct7.
In1573,Pope Gregory XIII changed as "Feast of Holy Rosary".

When prince Eugene won another important victory over the same enemy in Hungary

Divisions of Christianity

First division, from Christianity to orthodox and catholism was on 1054 AD.

Next divisions from Catholism

(1)to Protestants was in1521with Martin Luther(1483-1546)writing about nepotism &simony of Church,though Pope piusV stood firm against nepotism, rebuked such actions.
(2) Anglicans was in1530 by  king Henry VIII.

Role of Mary in Christianity

"Role of Mary in Christianity"remains unchanged even with divisions(same Gospels-Cana,cross,Jesus messages,basic faith Trinity).

Importance of Rosary

Rosary is best meditation to develop faith as it involves U'r physical,vocal&spiritual faculties. In Rosary,U meditate on life of Christ all over again.AS WIRE HOLD BEADS TOGETHER,SO MEDITATION HOLD PRAYER TOGETHER.It has a special value for all Christians

Actual realisation of Rosary with Christian denominations!

Though Rosary was introduced by Mary to st Dominqe in1216,actual realisation into universal catholic church was much later than Division. Rosary was introduced into universal catholic church(1716), while the divisions started much later than Division(1054) or 1530 AD.

Hence this Beautiful and Powerful method of Meditation of the life of Jesus Christ, has not been contemplated fully by other Catholic denomination, except by few anglicans in their high church.