Sunday, August 14, 2016

Assumption Of Mary (15/8/2016) Monday; IS IT REAL?

High lights of today's feast:
(1) Jn14:6 says"I am the way& the truth &the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"Implying for everything you have to come thru' God. Then Why Mary?
(2) JN2 at Cana,U'll see when U request via Mary, You get more than what you asked? New wine!
(3) Is above (1)&(2) contradict?
(4) What is immaculate conception of Mary?
(5) Why church took more than 18 centuries to define the dogma's of Mary?

Are U prepared to spend around 9 minutes/out of 1440 minutes(around 0.6%) of today: to listen:

Today's reflection:

On 15th August 2016, we celebrate the feast of Assumption of Mary
Is it real?

In order to analyze the assumption of MARY, you should first consider the role of Mary, as seen from Gospel

Jn14:6 says"I am the way& the truth &the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"Implying for everything you have to come thru' God.

Jn2: 1st Miracle of Cana,Implies, for your happiness,intercession of Mary will result, for you to be given more than what U,ask!(New wine).

Will these 2 Gospel readings contradict?.

When you analyze CANA incident,you notice,God showing us

(1)when HE is present,only Mary got to know wine is depleting(HE pretend not to know)

(2) Jesus did not decline Mary,asking her wedding managers should report to HIM.

(3)Jesus made better wine than that they were using

(4)Jesus should have made wine from nothing,but HE insisted,water to be filled-indicating that you should follow7 ethics+church rules,in good faith- this is in line with Jn16:4; HE never compromise about action that has to be followed to achieve our freedom.

(5)Mary did not know,that Jesus was asking/ to fill water-indicating difference between Mary&God. Despite she told' Do whatever HE asked you to do".

These 2 Gospel readings supplement each other rather than contradicting and gives an additional message for us to practice. Intercessionary prayers and value of associating with other humans or saints.

Until 18th century, church and it's followers did not have any necessity to define dogma on Holy Mary, they believed the immaculate conception and assumption of Mary. But subsequent development of philosophies, by charles Darwin, karl marx, miller and sigmund Freud, which lead society on controversial ides of governing by a dictatorship,ignoring other people ideas, which lead man to hate God,considering man is an animal. From 1854 to 1950, world was undergoing many hardships,along with new philosophies with 2 world wars, many dying in wars.

What make them to establish dogma's on Mary?
If these philosophers were right, and if the man is naturally good and capable of deification through his own efforts, then it follows that everyone is immaculately conceived. The church arose in protest and affirmed that only one human in the world is immaculately conceived and human  is prone to sin, and that freedom is best preserved when like Mary, a creature answers Fiat to the Divine Will.
The dogma of the Immaculate conception wilted and killed the false optimism of the inevitable and necessary progress of man without God. MAN FINALLY SAW THAT HE WAS NOT NATURALLY GOOD. ONCE HAVING BOASTED THAT HE CAME FROM THE BEAST, HE NOW FOUND HIMSELF ACTING LIKE A BEAST.

Hence Holy Spirit introduced  2 dogma's.(1) Immaculate conception was established by Pope Pius IX on 8/12/1854,(2) dogma for Assumption of Mary, by pope Pius XII on 1/11/1950.

Having understood, what makes Holy spirit to establish dogma's of Mary
Why God create Mary, without sin, has to be further analyzed.

Jesus gave 10 times as much of His life to Mary compared to His apostles!. If the mere touch of His garment could cure a women suffering with an issue of blood, then the human mind can hardly contemplate what 30 years of residence with Jesus must have done for Mary!After the years of companion with Philip,Jesus said to Him"Have I been with you for all these time & still you do not understand?"How much greater of an understanding of His mysteries He might there fore expected of His mother!, who was with Him during All His hidden life!.Though She doesn't seem to  have followed Him as the 12 apostles and some other women did all the way from Gallile to Jerusalem; she was with Him at the most crucial moments of His mission,in Cana & Calvary,which witness beginning & end of His ministry.
From the very dawn of mankind, purity has been deemed essential to any sacrifice. So when the time arrived for the second person of the blessed Trinity to come to earth & offer to GOD & infinitely Meritorious sacrifice in expiations for man's sins,'it was only reasonable that GOD should create Mary free from every stain of sin, if for no other purpose than the honor of His Son, who was GOD.

How Mary Himself showed about Immaculate Conception!

On 27/11/1830 in Paris, Mary gave a Medal to Catherine(24yrs). Formed around her,written,"O MARY CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN,pray for us who have recourse to you"


Due to profusion of healing & conversions,MEDAL was named as 'MIRACULIOUS'. With popular request from clergy, on 2/2/1849 Pope Pius IX commence study "IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" and on 8/12/1854 by he  define the doctrine of Immaculate Conception of Mary, as revealed by Holy Spirit & therefore to be firmly & believed by all the faithful.

Within 4 years Mary confirmed to,14 year old Benedette in lourdes on 25/3/1858, she reveled her name as
As a child she could not understand her name. Like. Parrot she repeated the name to the priest. Immediately he understood the meaning:

 BOTH CATHERINE who died in 31/12/1876 AND BERNEDETHE who died in 16/4/1879,their physical bodies are UNCORRUPTED you can see both in Rue de bac Paris and nevers in France,which gives the living evidence of validity of these 2 dogma's

Now let us analyze about her Assumption;

After Jesus Ascension, Mary remained on earth and disciples has recourse to her, she resolved their doubts, comforted and encourage them. Nothing is known historically when and where our blessed mother terminated her earthly life. Jesrusalem is most commonly credited.
3to 15 years after Jesus ascension, it is believed her assumption took place.

Assumption is logical conclusion of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION!.Death lead to corruption due to original sin. JESUS DIED,but His body didn't see corruption because He was not under original sin. Similarly Mary died,but Her body was not subject to corruption for the same reason. People who ate Manna died but who eat Eucharist will never die. Thru' Her only  Eucharist came to this world?

Mary lead a life perfectly aligning Herself with GOD. She had to go thru' this world subjecting Herself to death;but finely She overcame death from the assumption.

In conclusion:
Mary's  Immaculate Conception and Assumption ,makes Her enter into a constant liberating battle with the forces of Evil.

We start with Christ. The less think of Him, the less we think of her. The more we adore His divernity, the more we venerate her Motherhood. The less we adore His divinity, the less reason we have for respecting Her,we could even resent Her name! Those who dislikes any devotion to Mary, are those who deny His divernity, or who find fault with Jesus because of what he says about Hell, Divorce & judgment.

To lead an Happy life,as promised by God, cana 1st miracle reminds us;
(1)Have a peaceful mind by following 7 ethics
(2) Have a worry less mind by handing your worries to Mary and saints
(3) Then convert your talents to energy and serve the society for the love of God

For Catholics, Mary is a dynamic person who is present to us thru' her glorification. whoever desires the fruit must go to tree. Whoever desires Jesus must go to Mary: whoever find Mary will most certainly find Jesus!

God Bless you!

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cycle 3:season:lent, Good Friday(25/3) Marian Catholic(general version)

A. Back ground:
Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles.
Summary Of lent(cycle3)
Each Friday ,you are invited to reflect;
(1)father+son,trained Jews,how to mange your free will,with option to follow God or not/Holy spirit formed church/with this in mind you can read scripture
(2)You will see TRANSFIGURED God in your life-(God presence in most of your previous action)
(3)For present&future life,you should reflect sunday readings,at least for3yrs,for full knowledge and you will observe Proactive life(god's presence in all of your present actons)
(4)Your life always swing from elder to pordigal son,No/yes confession
(5)Basics of Catholic confession;real sorry&not to repeat Sin(sin is going against 7 Ethics+church rules)/pardon others who has sin against you/Confess with priest/forget your sinful activity.
(6)Palm sunday(your life swing from left to right Criminal)-with fear& sorrow scapegoat God/without that have faith with God,in removing effects of your sin(Confession)(7)Good Friday (death Jesus on lap of Mary)always get support of Mary to TAKE AWAY your SIN(thru' Confession)

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Jesus passion and Gospel writers

Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles. Jesus passion has been written by all 4 gospel writers. There are similar story of Jesus passion. Last palm sunday, we observed, passion written by Luke. There we observed, story of criminals,has been clearly explained more by him. This has paved for us to explain, the meaning of pardoning more clearly, to be in par with previous 2 sunday readings: stoning of woman+pordigal son.
Today, you will see, a unique explanation of John, with regard to Mary, where other Gospels has not touched. It is amazing, that we are opportune to read 4 Gospels, by different writers at different times,ranging from 60 years to 120 years. Up to 60 years early church has run by word of mouth with creed. Then first 2 gospel writers, recorded the stories of Jesus,to explain people,who has witness  these stories. They might have omitted certain facts, which they should have thought, that everybody knows. The last 2 Gospel writers,luke and John, has further elaborated those stories, where there were few people living,who has witness, the actual stores of Jesus. So they have tried to detail more to explain important factors, that new people should be able to aware, 2 such things are in luke: stories of criminals and in John, story of mary, assigning as mother all of us. Very important also, this john, is same person, who witness ths incident, at Golgotha.(Why other writers did not write/specially luke(mary's Gospel)-until Mary's assumption, she may be not aware about gravity of ths statement).

B.1 horoscope
Planets,galaxies are created by God. God's will, govern for any actions of ours. When you trust position of planets, will decide out comes your action, you undermine, God's Omni potent.
Jesus death and risen has a lap of 3 days. Why?, just to indicate, sometimes we tend to forget God,undermining HiS power and relay on instruments, where HE has created. But this is short lived(indicating only 3 days)

Horoscopes are based on position of planets. Some believe that your, future achievements are based upon, your birth time and movement of planets. Up to now, there is no evidence that the horoscopes will forecast your future. 3 factors has to be considered.
(1)No two person in this world is similar. They don't have unique thinking and action for life problem are different from one t another.
(2) Vast number of politicians in asia, who were depending on horoscopes, didn't survive for long period. When they were defeated, they tend to disregard the belief of Horoscopes
(3) Christians believe that God knows all out comes of any action. Omni potent+omni scent+ omni presence. Believing horoscopes always, interferes with diluting the ability of God.
(4) You cannot substitute, ability of God, with any God's creation. Planets are God's creation.

B.2 Conflict management of Mary and Joseph

Adam &Eve's original sin caused childhood to be introduced to humans. It is parent's responsibility to keep children away from doing childish things by instructing good manners &guiding them. Main responsibility of Joseph was to look after baby Jesus, during HIS childhood,which he has done nicely by;
1) All rituals he followed for HIM.
2) King Herod's threat on baby Jesus's life which enforced Him to exile to Egypt.
3) When they return,they were diverted to Nazareth,warned of a further potential threat on Child's life.
4) Loss of child Jesus in temple.
5)He help us to avoid childish works in our lives-In Sri Lanka Both Saradieal (imprisoned on 21/3/1864) & Rev Somarama (who face death in 7/7/1962)died as Christians.WHY DID BOTH OF THEM TAKE 'JOSEPH'AS THEIR BAPTISED NAME?

Conflict means, the difference of opinion that you will have in your brain, where main brain,talks logically and arrive at a decision, while you have a conflicting opinion given from your sub concise.(Empricism). We should try to avoid this conflict, by following concept very clearly. So that your decesions are based on non conflict decision. By following Catholicism, it will be easy for you to get non conflicting decesion. Joseph and Mary are good examples for this.
Take example: martin luther, He had valid reasons to depart church, but, immediately after departure what has happend? He got married. There is conflict!. So Luther's Marriege has caused to undermine, the main theme of christianity,"THAT YOU CAN ERASE EFFECT OF SIN,DURING THIS LIFE TOO, THOUGH CONFESSION(jn20:23)" this is the main message that risen Christ, tell us. Confessions by married priest, is not practical, as it interact family affairs!.

B.3 how Mary follow the instructions:

Holy Mary, is very prominent to give major messages to humanity, how to amend our life more towards God!

Prominent apparitions of mary ,1830 to Catherine in paris, in 1858 at lourdes and 1917 at Fatima, is few examples to mention.

C. Todays reading:
Isaah says(Is 52:13-53:12)" servent..something never told..heard before..sufferings He bore..sorrows HE carried..crushed our sins..HE never open HiS mouth..Lord..pleased..crush HIM..takng their faults on himself.."

Letter to Hebrew(4:14-16; 5:7-9) says"..never let go off the who hs been tempted in every way..have mercy from HiM..He learnt to obey thru' suffering.."

Gospel Jn 18:1-19:42 says"..passion of our lord..near the cross..HIS mother..sister Mary,..& Mary of magdala..Jesus said to HIS mother,WOMEN THS IS U'R the dsciple HE said" THIS IS U'R MOTHER"..I am thirsty..taken..vinegar..gave up HIS SPIRiT.."

D. Reminds:
Jesus Body was hanging with 3nails on cross.They took him off cross & laid HIS body on Mary's lap.

Why didn't they lay him on John's lap?

John represented all humans at Golgotha. Just before Jesus died,showing John HE told Mary'This is your son'&John accepted.Similarly Mary was asked to look after us.Why only John has written about this?

This Golgotha incident reminds;
1)Facing fear/sorrow in our lives-like death body of Jesus.
2)Like 3nails,woes are of 3 types,pertaining to YOU, you'r family &friends & your living society.
3)Hand over all to Mary every night.Go to sleep peacefully-on lap of Mary.your worries will become diluted with your faith(stick to7Catholic ethics-like Cana water)
4)Identify your sins. Have regular confession with a priest-like thief on right
5)Then accept any worries/as God will change Ur life

E. Conclusions: all cycles, Good Friday , readings are same. Special mention about Mary and her role to us in Present day life, is clearly mention by John, who himself was present at Golgotha. He was the last gospel writer, he should have thought fit to write this incident, unlike other writers,since, He has understood the role of Mary, in the salvation process. He is the only person who wrote about Cana incident. Christianity differs from other religions in the world, due to
(1) You have a process, of identifying clearly, your sin,and get it pardoned, so that effect of your sin is nullified during the present life itself.
(2)It is having clear process, how to achieve worry less mind, which s very important for your good health.
(3)It shows you are not alone, always spiritually you are supported by angels, saints and God. You will have easy method of running your life.



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Monday, December 14, 2015

Why Early Baptism Is Necessary For A Child?

Holy spirit, formed the church. To become a member of church, you need to baptise. Why catholics are baptising newly born child, without waiting him to be matured,and for hm to understand what he is doing?

In answering this question, one can see, whether a person, understand the concept of Catholicism or not

Basic answer!

(1) Christianity not started from matured Jesus, but from baby Jesus. Though HE is God and Holy mary+ Joseph knew, they followed all rituals, a normal,Jew baby, should follow. This indicate primary reason, why we should baptize, newly born baby, to receive Holy spirit, to get rid of the original sin. Further adding to this point, one can notice, that a baby, cannot decide his name, parents has to do that. He cannot decide his food,parent has to select and carefully handle that. Similarly, parent's responsibility, is to wash away his negative spirit, deriving from the teachings from Christianity.

(2) Jesus was baptized at the age of 30!, why should we baptize, our newly born children ?

Jesus public life,clearly shows, How to manage our freedom, actually started from HIS Baptism.(HE need not to have baptism, because HE is God,but he set an example and John the Baptist, foretold, starting of the church with Holy Spirit) For a human, his life started from birth. Jesus clearly indicated the early Baptism, to be with God for any human, under the new concept.

(3) What is the responsibility of parent with regard to his child?. What God expects?
Basic aim of christian is to how to follow God's Will for him and enjoy happiness, present and future. There are 2 steps for this.

(1) during childhood, parents have to guide,maintain the child, on behalf of God. At the end of the childhood, when he become youth, parents/teachers should ensure that child is now stand alone to have a proper dialogue with God.
(2) After above(1) parents main duty seized and they should allow children to be a good human in the eyes of God. Not to interfere too much! Into their life is important, trusting that God will look after him.

4. Is it possible to give baptism and confirmation together to a child?
 When a child have not received Baptism, and he has sufficient knowledge, about commandments{ Father-10 commandment, Son-pardoning +love, Holy Spirit- church rules),as an adult he can receive baptism, irrespective of the pedigree of their parents. Once the Baptism received, then only he can receive Holy Eucharist. So you need sufficient time period, to practice as a catholic, you need to have sacrament of reconciliation-confession practise and ensure it's effects to your life!, hence it is not advisable to provide all these 2 together. These 3 sacraments are distinctly cyclic and cannot override. After baptism, you will receive Holy Eucharist, then you will receive Confirmation. After Confirmation, church ensure that the matured person is now fully dependent with God not with parent or teachers.

(5) Did Holy mary received Baptism?
She received Baptism twice.
(1) As mother of Jesus, when she conceived HIM, thru' the power of Holy spirit
(2)When the church formed, at pentecost day, she received, the fire of Holy Spirit. She witness our(mine and yours) baptism, at pentacost day, as our spiritual mother. Similar to Christ bearer, She intercede with Christ, spiritually, with God, during our life.

(6)What is the effect of Baptism?

When Holy Mary conceived Jesus, into her womb, she was overjoyed. That is why she visited her cousin, Elizabeth, to share her joy with her. With baptism you get spiritual Joy ness from Holy Spirit. To receive Holy spirit to your life, not only baptism, you have to actively participate, in adhering commandments given by father+son+holy Spirit, and practice sacraments of Holy Eucharist+confessions.

(7) What the lessons Holy mary taught us in Baptism?
Holy mary received, Jesus, before HE was born into this world. When She received, the following important characteristics she has shown.

(1)Love that refuses to share kills its own power to love. Mary before to Jesus, showed you(when she was bearing Jesus in her womb)

(A)How to share love with others(Elisabeth)

(2)when you have christ within,you cannot be happy until you have imparted your Joy to others!
This shows why catholics doing charity, indication for the love of God.


(3) Mary's and Elizabeth Joys are clear evidence, that human life, starts from a womb of a mother, and is a product of God.(You cannot decide from which parents that you can come to this world!). Why Abortion is prohibited to catholic is very clear from outcomes of Visitation!

(8) Finally, early baptism of child talks many principles of Catholicism. Out of which main factors are listed below:
(1) Spiritual responsibility of parent with regard to his child
(2) Jesus said"those who misguiding a child has to be thrown to sea, with a stone, tyed round his neck" shows how impotant this factor is
(3)It is parents duty, to provide, baptism, as early as possible, so that the child will be joy ed with spirituality, which we observed in visitation by Mary and Elizabeth.(No Joseph, neither Zacarius)
 (4)Baptism shows us the characteristic of love- you aways share with beloved and extend to others in the society, irrespective of the pedigree of recipient.
  (5) Jesus said" you have to follow God's will, like a child". Here HE indicates very clearly, the practical implementation of child with parents, and spiritual implementation of you and me with HIM, since we don't know all outcomes of any action in our life, except when we follow God,our life will be happy!.


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Monday, December 7, 2015

Immaculate Conception Of Mary(8/12/2015) Brief Version

A righteous man mindful and striving to develop merits, pure in thoughts and restrained in evils advances to fame and prosperity. This is an example of Holy Mary.

During advent, church is inviting you to revisit, how God has sent His beloved son, to this world?, and for what purpose?

Previous 2 sundays, you were reminded to daily analyse on the above subject with a peaceful mind(other wise you cannot focus). Last sunday U got to know the basic of Catholism, is to follow God's will, in your life. Basically, you have to become a slave of God, be cheerful in life, and enjoy happiness. How Mary+Joseph follows God's will.

Today tuesday, we celebrate Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Summary of today's reading:

 Todays reading:
Book of Genesis says( Gen 3:9-15.20) says"after adam..eaten..God called..where are you?"..he.."I..afraid..naked..hid"."Have you..eating..I forbade..? Man replied"..women..put with me,she gave..I ate..God..woman.."The serpent tempted.."God..serpent" dust..make you enemies.."
Paul says(Eph 1:3-6. 11-12)" us..become..adopted Him..claimed..God's own.."

Lk(1;26-38) says" betrothed..Joseph..'Rejoice..favored"..she..disturbed..angle"Mary..not be a son..Jesus..mary..""..Holy kinswomen..old age..conceived..called barren..sixth month..Nothing is Impossible to God..Mary'let..done to me'.."


(1)We don't believe that Jesus is God because HE was born of a virgin mother, as the apostles and evangelists did not believe it for that reason alone. We believe the divernity of Christ, because the evident of resurrection.
(2) Mary and Joseph marriege is attachment of hearts, one in which the right to another was surrendered for a higher purpose.
Both of them had taken vow of virginity. Then why they married?

(1)it kept blessed mother covered with honour until the time came to her reveal the VIRGIN BIRTH/it appears shortly after resurrection only she reveal. There is no point of talking about this until the final proof of divinity,
so far as public appearance went,JESUS was the Son of Joseph.
Thus the reputation of Mary was conserved: if Mary has become mother without a spouse, it would have exposed the mystery of Christ birth to ridicule, and would have become scandal to the weak.
(2) Joseph could bear witness to the purity of Mary. She did not tell Joseph,she has conceived by Holy Spirit of Love,because angel did not bid her to do so. Mary once revealed to a saint;
" outside Golgotha,I never suffered a such intense of agony as in those days when,despite myself, I brought worry to Joseph, who was so just"

(3)Similarly, the sorrow of Joseph came from inexplicable
On one hand he knew Mary had taken an vow of virginity,as he has done. It seem impossible to believe her guilty, because her goodness. But on the other hand, because her condition, how could he believe otherwise? Joseph suffered"Dark night of Soul"
(3)Also, Mother of God was sinless, in order that we might more easily believe that she had flung before the face of world, women's greatest challenge to sin-the vow of virginity-and kept it and made it bear divine fruit.
(4) Both Jesus and John the baptists births, cannot,justify scientifically

For God it is possible, but for human it is impossible. Mary and Joseph though they are humans, ideally supported God's Will. That is why we as catholics respect them,and always follow them!.

Summarised details about Immaculate conception!
 (1)it took 18 centuries, to declare this concept, due to?
On 8/12/1854,dogma of Immaculate Conception was defined by pope Pius 9. Why did it took so long?
In the course of history of church, this had been the object of some disagreement. Sources of these are 2 fold.

1st was universality of original sin taught with such vigor by St Paul in his letters& universality of Redemption in which it seemed impossible to exempt one sole creature,even if she was mother of God. Council of trent shed light on this 1st point when it declared that it did not intend"to include Blessed & immaculate Virgin Mary in decree relative to original sin" with regard to 2 point,church introduced distinction between Redemption of victims of original sin&antecdent "Preservation" accorded to Virgin Mary in view of future Redemption. Despite these reservations this,feast spread gradually thru out church! .

Immaculate Conception and Miraculous

On27/11/1830,as a novice to become a sister, Catherine Laboure,witness Our Lady, with her feet crushing the head of a serpent. Mary introduced the oval shaped Miraculous Medal,On it were these words:

'O Mary,conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

On other side of  medal,a letter "M"(Mary's initials)was surrounded by the cross.

 Below there were2 hearts, one heart pierced with the sword (for Mary)& the other heart crowned with thorns for Jesus,
12 stars-apostles(to symbolise our Faith & church).

Mary said' HAVE A MEDAL WORN AROUND THE NECK, great graces will be given to all who wear it WITH CONFIDENCE'.

This is the only medal,even now available where whole of catholic doctrine is depicted.

By1842 more than100mil medals distributed.Due to profusion of healing &conversions,MEDAL Re named 'MIRACULIOUS' resulted Pope Pius IX. In 2/2/1849 commence study& establishing dogma"IMMACULATE CONCEPTION"on 8/12/1854

St Catherine died on 31/12/1876 & beatified on28/5/1933,after 57yrs of her burial, it was found to be completely incorrupt(now Rue de Bac PARIS).She was canonized-27/7/1947.Her feast 28/11.

 How the heaven confirmed the Immaculate Conception?

Apparition of Lourdes!

11/2/1858-illiterate Bernedeth(14 yrs) went with Marie(sister)&Jean,in search of fire wood.She saw shining lady,around 16 yrs,VERY BEAUTIFUL,DRESSED IN WHITE, BLUE SASH AT WAIST,WITH A WHITE VEIL(FLOWING DOWN FROM HER HEAD)STANDING WITH BARE FOOT ON 2ROSES at Grotto of Massabielle,along river 'Gave'  SHE was having a ROSARY in her right hand with white beads in golden chain. Mary appeared17 times until16/7/1858).

 On25/3 She told'I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION'confirming Dogma established by church1854&on apparition in1830with MIRACULIOUS MEDAL.

Proof for Jesus virginal birth &Bodily Assumption of Mary follows immaculate conception. Bernedeth became a nun &lived only 35yrs(16/4/1878).At beatification(5/8/1925)her body exhumed &found to be incorrupt,even now,U can see in nevers!.


- Special Character of Mary:
Mary did not blame any body. We always try to point, some body else, for our failure. This character in human is coming from original sin.
Adam&Eve disobedience changed everything. They wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE you"(does God not know).God doesn't ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity"COME CLEAN".

Adam came clean. When God asked why?,he said" WOMEN WHOM YOU GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"-his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom you gave me"

God ask Eve-She realizing how this game is played,passes buck once more. "SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE"-this Blame Game can only go so far &begining with serpent,God declares HIS judgment against each of guilty parties.

For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of laboring field.

from Eve Sin started, from Mary sin cleared. Mary was so happy with God, she has been fortunate to bear christ, in her flesh. This is clearly shown, any human can lead a life to please God and God will see,him happy. Immaculate Conception lead us to understand, that we have to be mindful,about leading our life according to the God's Will. Though not ideal like Mary, by following her, we can reach the Happiness promised by God, even in this life. Immaculate Conception lead us to analyse how to bear Christ, in our life. Study of Holy Mary's life become critical, during this advent period.


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