Sunday, August 14, 2016

Assumption Of Mary (15/8/2016) Monday; IS IT REAL?

High lights of today's feast: (1) Jn14:6 says"I am the way& the truth &the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"Implying for everything you have to come thru' God. Then Why Mary? (2) JN2 at Cana,U'll see when U request via Mary, You get more than what you asked? New wine! (3) Is above (1)&(2) contradict? (4) What is immaculate conception of Mary? (5) Why church took more than 18 centuries to define the dogma's of Mary? Are...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cycle 3:season:lent, Good Friday(25/3) Marian Catholic(general version)

A. Back ground:Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles.Summary Of lent(cycle3)Each Friday ,you are invited to reflect;(1)father+son,trained Jews,how to mange your free will,with option to follow God or not/Holy spirit formed church/with this in mind you can read scripture(2)You will see TRANSFIGURED God in your life-(God presence in most of your previous action)(3)For present&future life,you should reflect sunday readings,at least for3yrs,for...

Monday, December 14, 2015

Why Early Baptism Is Necessary For A Child?

Holy spirit, formed the church. To become a member of church, you need to baptise. Why catholics are baptising newly born child, without waiting him to be matured,and for hm to understand what he is doing?In answering this question, one can see, whether a person, understand the concept of Catholicism or notBasic answer! (1) Christianity not started from matured Jesus, but from baby Jesus. Though HE is God and Holy mary+ Joseph knew, they followed...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Immaculate Conception Of Mary(8/12/2015) Brief Version

A righteous man mindful and striving to develop merits, pure in thoughts and restrained in evils advances to fame and prosperity. This is an example of Holy Mary. During advent, church is inviting you to revisit, how God has sent His beloved son, to this world?, and for what purpose?Previous 2 sundays, you were reminded to daily analyse on the above subject with a peaceful mind(other wise you cannot focus). Last sunday U got to know the basic...